Saturday, March 24, 2012

Youtube Narnia: It Exists, Believe Me.

I already know what you're thinking, "what the f*ck is she talking about. Youtube Narnia? Has she lost it?" Okay, here's the deal. For someone who mumbles when sober, and speaks in analogies a little more than a 22 year-old should, I've found something that requires your full attention (well, okay 75% of it will do). I discovered this magical wave of sounds randomly one night at home (this is due to the fact that I had to wake up at 5am for work, and my hangovers these days are the equivalent to being in a body cast.) 

It all started when I logged onto Youtube to watch videos of Purity Ring. Actually, it was this exact video^. With over 6 million views, I'm almost positive you've probably heard this track or have seen it pop up on your news feed. After reading nothing but great things from their Pitchfork set at SXSW, you should expect to see/hear more of this "future pop" duo...well, in the future.
So back to my so-called mystical experience. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander to the sidebar where you will find a list of youtube videos that are generally of the same artist, genre, etc. What caught my eye was the fact that the videos happened to be of different artists & groups. Also, each of the visuals for the videos were pretty simple in appearance, but attractively executed so that I would immediately click on them regardless if I was familiar with the song or not..... and this is what I experienced: one click after the other, and the rest is as memorable as the after-party of your senior prom (one hell of a good blur). 
1. Darius - "Maliblue"
2. Star Slinger - "They Like It Rough"
3. Teams vs. Star Slinger - "Say Please"
4. Blood Orange - "Champagne Coast"
5. Caribou - Odessa
6. Tycho - "A Walk"
7. Grimes - Vanessa
8. The XX - "Blood Red Moon"

So what's the significance in why I created this post? Well hopefully by now you've either A.) felt attracted to a song you haven't heard before, B.) recognized a song you already knew & fell in love with it even more, or C.) felt more relaxed then you did before reading this post. This is just a kernel of what I came across, so if you have the time...click on one of these links & let the exploration begin. Finally, don't take the video comments seriously... you don't have to be on drugs to enjoy the music. 

Welp, I hope you enjoyed this brief exploration into "the Narnia of Youtube"... remember, it's more than necessary to let your mind wander for a period of time...or an entire night. Pamper those ears, enjoy xx.


  1. Youtube Narnia... the best place in the whole world! Where your imaginagiont drifts, and you can go wherever you want with only closing your eyes. Yes, definetely my favourite place!

  2. How can you tell that you are in Youtube Narnia?

  3. In my opinion, you know you're in YouTube Narnia when a video is not available in your country. What I'm trying to say is my YouTube Narnia is different from yours, but yours is very interesting as well.
