Monday, March 23, 2015


Keep in mind LYED is a one-man wolf pack and I had needed to use yesterday as a day of rest rather than jump the gun on post-SXSW posts. Here we are 24 hours later, and I am back to my normal blogger self again (HURRAH!) What do I mean by that? It means I'm back to provide you with all things music related in which I know you'll appreciate listening to, whether it's through your headphones or car speakers. I had to kick off this week's selection with an all-time favorite introduction "feel good" track since this post is a wee bit on the later side of your Monday. Yes it's a couple months old, but honestly I can't think of a better opening track to this playlist. As always, I hope you dig this week's selection, and if you're still recovering from South By Southwest - there's a light at the end of the tunnel, I promise!

I'll save my SXSW experience for another post this week, but if you have Instagram, you can watch a brief summary via @_emiLYED. Feel free to follow! I had a great time at South By Southwest 2015, and was fortunate enough to meet a ton of individuals who shared the same love for music as I do. You'll have to just wait for the highlights that are coming soon. :) 

P.S. I'm giving away Twin Shadow's new album Eclipse on White Colored Vinyl along with an autographed poster from the man himself.

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